Sunday, April 12, 2015

Steroid tips: How to make the best of steroid use!

1.) Get enough sleep. That’s right! Our bodies and in this case our muscles, need 8 hours of sleep in
order to recover and replenish lost nutrients. Regardless of the type of steroid you take, you
need at least 8 hours of sleep every night to speed-up the recovery process.

2.) Do not expect miracles! You may have heard that Hollywood actors take certain steroids to
achieve that jaw-dropping, shredded look but make no mistake—steroids do work, but do not
expect miracles without any effort and dedication from your part. Keep in mind that Steroids
basically supplement a good diet and work-out regime (long-term), they do not replace it!

3.) To make the most of your steroid/s, make sure you follow diet habits that enhance the results.
This means that you have to check your calorie and protein intake ratio. Make sure that at least
half of your calories in your diet are proteins (e.g. eggs, chicken breasts, lean meats, etc) and at
least 30% are carbohydrates.

4.) Train properly. If you expect quality results with minimal work-out sessions, you will probably
get disappointed. You have to work out at least 5 times a week and perform 3 times cardio
exercises in order to see substantial effect. Make sure though you take a 2 day break from work-
out so you don’t exhaust yourself and end up losing muscle.

5.) Take supplements. Legal steroids often come with undesirable side-effects such as liver and digestion problems for example. Therefore, it would be wise to take supplements that boost these
functions to help minimize this kind of negative side effects. Recommended supplements in this
case are: milk thistle (for boosting liver function), fibers and probiotics (for helping with
digestion), and calcium (for bone density and strength).  Alternatively, you can take a multi-
vitamin supplement that contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins you need to function
every day.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Steroids and side effects

Androgenic and anabolic steroids are probably among the most popular substances bodybuilders, athletes and amateurs take for a variety of reasons. It estimated than more than 300 million in the U.S alone consume these substances, but very few actually know all the benefits as well as risks associated with their use.

anabolic steroids

Steroids are most commonly used by males, but they can be used by females as well, although at a lesser degree. A study on the demographics of steroid users revealed that steroids are mostly used by non-competitive young male athletes and amateurs who don’t necessarily belong in the competitive sport category. A small minority (13%) was found to use injected steroids without taking the necessary safety precautions like for example, sanitizing the needles each time and in some cases users reported sharing needles, which can lead to a risk of getting a transmitted disease.

Steroids positive side effects

Apart from enhancing athletic performance and muscle tissue, steroids are also used by the medical community to treat a variety of health ailments like for example anemia, leukemia cancer, aids, kidney and problems linked with low testosterone in the body. Steroids in general dilate the blood cells for boosted strength and circulation, as well as increase phosphocreatine synthesis for muscle mass gaining.

Legal Steroids can also be used to get rid of excess body fat and balance insulin levels which may lead to body fat accumulation when abnormally elevated. Testosterone in steroids has also been found to decrease the action of a fat triggering hormone called lipoprotein lipase, so that fact doesn’t accumulate.

Other beneficial uses of steroids include: boosting mental energy, memory, mood and protect from memory problems.

Steroids negative side effects

Many individuals who take steroids mistakenly think that they can take excessively high dosages to get faster results, but this is not only impractical, it is quite risky for the health as well. Side effects include acne, infertility, shrinking of testicles, baldness, increased risk of prostates cancer, oily skin and hair, urination problems, liver problems and others. In women who take steroids side effects include changes in menstruation, deepening of voice, increased libido, breasts getting smaller, increase in body and facial hair, skin problems, elevated cholesterol levels, sleeping problems etc.

To minimize the risk of side effects, any doses administrated should be under the supervision of an expert or health care provider and one should avoid taking excess dosage without their physician’s permission.

People who belong in the sensitive group of the population such as children, pregnant women and the elderly should never take steroids as there is a much higher risk of adverse negative reactions.